Pinellas County Hardscapes
How Lyon Financial’s Process Works:
- New customers submit their loan applications online via our website
- Lyon Financial will review the application and alert the customer once a conditional approval is obtained from the lender.
- Once the customer is fully approved, the home improvement contract has been received, and the final financing numbers have been confirmed with the customer, we will proceed with issuing the customer their loan documents. Once the legal loan documents have been signed by the customer, we will send out a “Clear to Start Construction” email. This email is sent to both our mutual customer and you the contractor. This email acts as an official notification stating you are clear to start construction on the customer’s project.
- To release each stage payment, Lyon Financial requires a photo to be sent to our office showing the specific stage has been completed (This needs to be a current up-to-date picture). Some lenders might also require a signed Stage Release Form. This form will be sent to the customer via PandaDoc for e-signature and must be signed and sent back before the payment can be processed.
- To submit photos for payment, please send an email to Please ensure to include the customer’s full name and address when submitting photos to ensure timely processing.
- For final payment, we will require the customer to sign a Verification Form, Completion Certificate (if applicable), and a photo of the completed project.
DISCLAIMER: Contractors are not authorized to submit applications on behalf of customer(s). All applications must be completed and submitted to Lyon Financial solely by the applicant(s).
Your status and stages are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Lyon Financial.
As a reminder, no work is to be started and no funds will be released until Lyon Financial issues the Clear to Start Construction
Please Note: If allowances are listed on the contract, Lyon Financial will require a scope of work detailing what is being done with the allowance. Lyon Financial has the right to deny the allowance to be financed depending on lender guidelines. All allowances will be paid to the contractor directly and it will be their responsibility to ensure all sub-contractors are paid and work has been completed per the contract. Allowances are not permitted to be given to the customer as a cash reimbursement or to allow the customer to hire another sub-contractor on their own to complete work. If the cost comes in less, Lyon Financial will require a change order reflecting the difference and those funds will be submitted back to the lender to be applied to the principal balance of the loan.
Thank you,
Contractor Services Department
Lyon Financial